8% back for your kids from Expedia


  • 8% back for your kids on activities

    Shop now
  • 6.50% back on rail

  • 5% back on hotels - usually 4%, ends soon

  • 5% back on car hire

  • 2% back on epackages (flight & hotel package bookings)

  • £0.60 back on flights


Expedia.co.uk - serving millions of travellers every year

At Expedia, you can find the right holiday at the right price, and travel with confidence. That's why they offer the Expedia customer promise: Lowest Prices, Best value, Honesty, User-friendliness, Security and Best service (before, during & after your trip).

  • Search over 510,000 hotels and 400 airlines worldwide
  • Secure incredible value with Expedia's Best Price Guarantee
  • No Expedia cancellation fee to change or cancel almost any hotel reservation.

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Please note

  • KidStart Savings will NOT be paid if you use a voucher code or other offer in conjunction with your order unless the code is specifically provided by KidStart.
  • KidStart Savings will not appear as Cleared in your account until AFTER you complete your stay/flight.
  • Please note that Expedia.co.uk can only sell flights to customers with a UK delivery address.
  • All purchases must be completed wholly online after clicking on the link above.
  • KidStart Savings are paid on the booked amount, NOT including taxes or fees.
  • Unfortunately Expedia does not accept the submission of missing transactions that are 1 month past the checkout date. If you make a purchase and it doesn't track correctly then we will not be able to claim your KidStart Savings unless you submit within 1 month.