How to uninstall the KidStart Savings prompt in Internet Explorer
How to uninstall
the KidStart Savings Prompt
in Internet Explorer

Click the appropriate tab to view instructions on how to uninstall the KidStart Savings Prompt for your browser

To uninstall the KidStart Savings Prompt in Internet Explorer

We are sorry that you want to uninstall the KidStart Savings Prompt.

How to uninstall the KidStart Savings Prompt from Internet Explorer & Edge

  • Find a list of programs to remove:
    • In Windows 7, XP or Vista click on the start button on the Windows taskbar and select Control Panel. Click Programs and Features.
    • In Windows 8, go to Control Panel by using search. Click Programs and Features.
    • In Windows 10, click the start button on the Windows taskbar and select Settings. Then click System and finally Apps & features.
    • Right click on KidStart Savings prompt in the list of programs, select Uninstall and follow the prompts. You may need to restart Internet Explorer to complete the process.
    • In Microsoft Edge, click the 3 'dots' (...) at the top-right of the browser, select 'Extensions,' and then select the KidStart Savings Prompt. When the Uninstall button appears, click it.