5 Tips To Prepare Your Child for Starting School

If your child is starting school, there will be anxiety in your house right about now.

It’s usually about you more than your kid because children take new experiences such as starting school differently. Are you concentrating your valuable time worrying over how they’re going to handle starting school? Don’t worry about that. Instead, read our best tips for preparing your kid for starting school…

Manage expectations

It’s natural to worry about your child’s literacy and numeracy skills when they start school. Will they be able to keep up with their peers? Have you covered enough at home or will the teachers spot that you have not been teaching them to read from the age of two? Don’t worry about whether your child can write or recognise their own name. The first year of starting school is a huge learning curve and your little one’s teacher will have lots of ingenious ways to encourage them towards reading and writing once they’re ready.

Label all the school clothes

It’s great to aspire to be one of those mums who hand sews personalised labels into her children’s clothing. However, frankly just to remember to scrawl our surname on the garment labels in biro is winning. On the other hand, if you want to do this like a grown up then you can’t go wrong with the personalised name stamps from Easy2Name.

Practice putting on the uniform

You might think this is a bit of a waste of time. However, you will be surprised how many teachers have said that many kids start school without knowing how to put on their coat or getting changed for PE. There’s no need to go extreme. Conducting getting-changed-for-PE practice actually do little to help your child feel ready for the realities of starting school. However, it does make sense to make sure your kid can put their coat on and take it off, and change into their PE kit. Including changing their shoes and putting their kit back into their kit bag. For those parents who tend to do too much for our kids, sending them off to school where they’ll have to fend for themselves more often can feel very scary. However, a little of preparation can go a long distance to making you both feel ready for the big school.

Do a practice school run

The school run can be a stressful experience all round. Prepare your kid for the morning rush by doing a practice run once or twice before the actual start. This can help them understand what’s demanded once the term starts. It can’t hurt to familiarise with the route, parking and time it takes to actually get yourselves.

Talk with your kid

I have pretty much one piece of advice to tackling every major milestone of your child’s life, speak with them. My children never cease to surprise me when it comes to their capacity to discuss difficult feelings or come to terms with life challenges through a friendly chat with mum. Create opportunities for your kid to talk through their feelings.

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