All I Want For Mother’s Day
What are you hoping for on Mother’s Day? My ideal present would be a lie in that lasted until lunch time with no child screaming ‘MUM’, and no child hammering on my door shouting, ‘Get up, get up’. Fat chance I know. Actually I am being mean because Mother’s Day while obviously about mums, is also for kids to shower their mums with love and cards at 6 am. I remember doing the same to my own mum who always put on a brave face and pretended to be delighted with our homemade gifts and shoddy attempts at breakfast in bed.
One year we served her chocolate biscuits, a home made ashtray (she didn’t smoke) and a pair of tights, and another we attempted to make her a cake but ended up having a flour fight, a memorable Mother’s Day for all the wrong reasons. I, myself am a low maintenance kind of mum on the gift front – and aside from a card I think I’d be over the moon if no one whinged for the whole day. As for what I’m buying my own mother I’m torn between products I secretly lust after and items that I know she’ll love and deem useful (tights again and books).
My husband asked last night if I wanted a beauty style gift but unless it’s a facelift it’s pointless as I never get a chance to use it. Which brings me back nicely to the idea of a lie in. In Japan they actually have sleep pods you can rent out by the hour. This I feel would be a perfect Mother’s Day gift for me. Two hours in a pod away from home, where no little booming voices could reach me.
But what are you hoping for this Mother’s Day? If your loved ones needs a few tips The White Company and Red Letter Days have some fab gifts and are giving 3.5% back at KidStart. Let me know what you’re hoping for and why.