Back To School – Glad Or Sad?
With back to school looming up fast I’m surprised to hear that according to new research from Morrisons 74% of parents are desperate for school to open again. It seems the pressure of entertaining kids, hearing kids moan they’re bored and the cost of trying to entertain them makes parents yearn for term time.
Holidays are definitely hard work but on the days I am not working I do enjoy (1) having my kids around, (2) not having to rush in the mornings and (3) generally getting to spend more time with them. So much so that I know the house will seem empty when they go back to school. Having said that I won’t miss tidying up after them, hearing them bicker and having to dip into my purse every five minutes to buy something.
Despite having a summer budget my additional spend this summer has been OTT! Even with ‘free’ activities to the park, local wildlife areas and play dates in the garden my food bill has rocketed. This is partly because I keep forgetting my kids are getting bigger and so eat more, but also with more daily activity than they get at school and nursery they have been hungry ALL the time. Plus they always seem to need something whether it’s new swimming gear, trainers or sandals – so that’s an aspect I won’t miss when they go back.
That said, the summer has also reminded me of the good things about my kids such as what good company they are. Aside from making me laugh daily, their take on life is refreshing and uplifting and so much more interesting than half the conversations I usually have. So for me back to school makes me a bit sad as I know I’m going to miss my kids, plus miss them being their true selves (term time being a mire of tiredness and crying in our house).
But what about you? Are you glad term is about to start again, or sad the summer is over?