Christmas Pester Power
I don’t know about you but all this nonsense about banning kids from writing Christmas lists, and parents losing the true meaning of Christmas really gets on my nerves at this time of year.
Yes, Christmas is commercialised BUT if you want to stop pester power and parents feeling under pressure to buy presents, then perhaps the Mother’s Union (the charity behind the ban on lists) needs to focus their attention on TV adverts and children’s TV stations in particular. The latter of which show a whopping 10 minutes of adverts per 20 minute show. In my opinion it’s this constant barrage that makes kids want more and more and more.
Having said that you don’t have to give in to pester power. I stand firm by thinking about the dismal state of my bank account and the fact that my house is already over run by toys my kids don’t play with. For this reason my kids only get one big present from us. Maybe that’s mean (as friends tell me) but they also get a haul of other gifts from grandparents and relatives who totally disregard my one present rule.
Plus I know my kids, they say they want everything from Baby Bjorn to an iPad but in reality there is usually one toy they want above all and this is what I want them to focus on. The anticipation of maybe getting that toy from Santa or not and the joy that comes with seeing this present on Christmas Day.
But what do you think? How do you cope with Christmas pester power? Let us know.