Help KidStart Support Children In Need
As you may already know (and if not where have you been?), this Friday is BBC Children In Need – the BBC’s yearly telethon to help kids that are ill, disadvantaged and/or in need of extra support.
It’s such a brilliant appeal and we love it because it helps so many UK families with grants and funding that they so desperately need which is why this year KidStart are proud to be supporting the event on the 18th November (Friday).
To do their bit KidStart will be donating ALL the money they would have normally earned from purchases made on November 18th to the BBC Children In Need appeal.
Simply visit KidStart on Friday and shop at any retailer including: Argos, Boden, Boots, George at Asda and eBay and KidStart will donate their share of income to BBC Children In Need. You will still receive money back for your own kids – so it doesn’t even cost you a penny extra!
KidStart wants to raise as much as possible with your help, so PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT by visiting the website on Friday & shopping (remember it’s only 5 weeks to Christmas)… PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD. Tell all your friends, your family and your colleagues, and tweet our blog link to help people find us.
It’s a great way to help raise thousands of pounds for a great cause that helps kids and the best part is it won’t cost you a penny.
PS: If KidStart can get to 25,000 facebook fans by midnight 23rd November 2011 they will donate an extra £500 to BBC Children In Need – now get sharing everyone!