How Do You Cope With Transitions?

How do you cope with the transitions your kids make? My youngest has just moved from a cot to a bed and I have to say it’s really pulled at my heart strings. Aside from the fact he suddenly looks tiny again, part of me feels really sad about the fact that he’s out of the cot for good and well on his way to being a grown up boy. I think part of the problem for me is (1) he’s my youngest and (2) I didn’t plan the move in advance as I did with my eldest (thereby allowing myself to come to terms with it). This time my decision to move him out of the cot was bought on suddenly by the fact I have ripped a muscle in my shoulder and not being able to lift him in and out of the cot, basically took the decision out of my hands. At  two years he’s taken the change in his stride. Partly fuelled by his big sister telling him he’s now like her, he loves sleeping in a bed and does not miss the cot at all. Unlike his mother who finds herself feeling sad that I am never going to have another baby asleep in a cot. Of course, I will get over it in the same way I got over my kids being weaned, walking by themselves and going to nursery and school but I realise now that transitions my kids make are always going to be tinged with a bit of sadness (and yes I know that sounds pathetic). So tell me, how do you cope with the transitions your kids make? Does your joy at their new found independence cancel out feeling sad? Or do you feel a tinge of sadness like me that they’re growing up so fast. Let me know.