Every time guests come over I find myself apologising for our bathroom because it's just awful. When we moved into this house the bathroom was on the list of Rooms To Be Done. Unfortunately, what with the credit crunch and everything, the bathroom went to the bottom of the list.
Hate is not a word I use very much, but I really, really hate our bathroom. It's not just that it's totally unmodernised, with a shower that doesn't work properly, no heating (so it's bitterly cold in winter), and cheap and nasty wall tiles everywhere. And lots of mould. (OK, I could probably do something about that).
But the worst thing is that the Sixties suite is beige. Beige. It never, ever looks clean.
So I've been looking at the bathrooms at Wickes. I like these two, right, the Hamilton and the Berkeley. And right now KidStart members get 15% off all orders over £500 before 15 May. I am seriously tempted. (If you're planning to buy a new bathroom, click here for more info).
*Which room in your home would you like to give a makeover?
written by Liz Jarvis