
By Ian Falconer

List price:   £5.99 
Available from:  Waterstones 
Rating:  5/5 
Read:  Every night 


"At first this didn’t look like it was going to go down well with my two boys. ‘Er, is that a girl pig Mummy?’ By the end the testosterone-driven pair, aged five and three, were demanding we read Olivia over and over again. And it was not a chore to do so. This is a charming, witty and warm tale of Olivia, a young pig who likes to do things properly, enjoys sunbathing, is an accomplished ballet-dancer and yet still finds time to scribble on the walls. The illustrations are simple black and white pencil drawings with splashes of red, peppered with humorous visual asides. This book is a firm night-day-any-time favourite in our household."
Sarah Chadwick  

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