The 2016 Olympics are over now. It’s hard not to feel inspired. In fact, there are a few athletes taking part in this year’s event that were inspired by the 2012 Olympics to some degree.
Although we can’t guarantee that taking up a sport will guarantee you a slot in the 2020 Olympics, we believe that there’s no better time than now to get active, for children and adults alike.
We know it isn’t as easy as that, if it were, everyone would
be super fit. However, there are some ways to ease yourself and your children into
the world of sports without having to spend a tonne or tire yourself out.
One of the most common things that deters people from
getting into sport is a lack of confidence. It could be that they feel a slightly body-conscious. Maybe they’re scared of not picking something up quick enough. Whatever your worry or woe may be, it’s important to remember that even the world’s most
famous Olympic athletes had to start somewhere. No one is born a
professional football star you have to work for it.
If it’s a lack of confidence that is stopping you or your child from practising a
new sport, find a way to develop skills alone before they think about joining a team or a club. Use your back garden or the secluded part of a park to
kickstart football skills, or watch YouTube training videos.
sport you or your child may be interested in,
don’t be afraid to try something new. You may just find a new
favourite activity, or even a career opportunity.
A way in which you can try new sports is to go along to taster sessions. Many clubs or groups will offer these often for free. This will allow you to try a certain sport before you commit to paying for expensive lessons or equipment. If they cost little or nothing to take part in, don’t require you to purchase a full uniform or equipment, and aren’t going to take a massive chunk out of your time, you have nothing to lose.
So you’ve done a few taster sessions, had a bit of time to think, and you or your child has decided that you totally love football, snowboarding, skating, badminton… whatever sport it is you or your child has taken a shine to, joining a club or the team is often the next big step to take. Doing so allows you or your child to train with professionals and people of the same skill level. It also allows you to gain skills and knowledge surrounding your sport of choice. It even lets you make like-minded friends. This especially applies for children, who may feel limited regarding the friends they can make in their year at school.
With the weather making a fair attempt at being glorious, many
sports clubs or teams will offer some form of outdoors activity. More often than not with one-off activities or events, or reduced fees. These summer schools may be even more beneficial for children. The school holidays can often prove to be a bit monotonous. There’s no better way to ensure that they don’t end up glued to the television. If it’s costing less than normal to do so, you may even just find yourself joining in…
Once you
find a sport that you enjoy, why not take it to the next level.
Join a professional team or club. The kind that frequently plays against other teams for awards. With enough training and motivation, you could find yourself rising through the ranks quickly.
The same goes for children. Many enjoy being part of a
football team that plays in tournaments now and again. However, we must add that some children may simply enjoy playing sports without the competitive edge. Never force them into playing as part of a team or against another team if they don’t want to. As it practically counteracts the health and social benefits of playing a sport.
You might want to give your health a boost. Get one step closer to a place in Tokyo 2020, or that you simply want to have a bit of fun. There’s not a lot stopping you or your child from getting into a sport.
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