Rules of Use


Rules around use of “Living with Kids” blog / any other forums on the KidStart website (“KidStart Forum(s)”)

Please note that use of any KidStart Forum is subject to KidStart’s standard Terms of Access, Privacy and Security Policy and Membership rules.

In addition, we have specific terms relating to any contributions you make to, or your use of any material on KidStart Forums

Submitting posts or contributions

By submitting a post or any other form of contribution to a KidStart Forum, you alone are responsible for the content of your contribution and any consequence arising. You agree to use KidStart Forums in accordance with the following contribution rules:

1. Contributions must be civil and tasteful KidStart
2. Forums are to be used for you for your personal use only and may not be used for any commercial purpose
3. KidStart Forums may not be used to send spam or bulk communications. We will block submission of multiple similar contributions
4. You cannot use KidStart Forums to publish or distribute in any way any material that is unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, harmful, threatening, obscene, sexually or racially offensive or otherwise discriminatory, is in breach of a confidence or a third party’s intellectual property rights or is in anyway unlawful.
5. You cannot use the KidStart Forums in any way that might disrupt or damage the KidStart Website or the KidStart Rewards programme, nor damage the operation of another’s computer.
6. You must not impersonate any other person or entity whether actual or fictitious.
7. User names must not be vulgar, offensive or in any other way inappropriate.

By sharing any contribution on a KidStart Forum, you agree to grant to KidStart, free of charge, permission to use the material in any way it wants. You also permit other members to access, display or view such content for their own personal use. You confirm that your contribution is your own original work.

We strongly advise you that you should never reveal any personal information about yourself or anyone else (for example: telephone numbers, email addresses or any other personally identifiable information) when making contributions to KidStart Forums.

Disclaimer and limitation of liability

The majority of content on KidStart Forums are created by members of the public. The views expressed are theirs and KidStart does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of any postings submitted by users or moderators not endorse any opinions expressed by users or moderators. KidStart Forums are not moderated but you can alert us to any inappropriate content by clicking the “flag as inappropriate” link.

KidStart is not responsible for the content contributed to the KidStart Forums and the information provided does not constitute any form of advice, recommendation or arrangement by KidStart. You are responsible for checking the accuracy of relevant facts or opinions on the site before entering into any commitment or taking any other form of action or inaction based upon them.

Neither KidStart Limited not any of its directors, employees or other representatives will be liable to loss or damage arising out of or in connection with your use of this Website or KidStart Forums or any information contained in it. You agree to indemnify and hold KidStart and its directors, employees or representatives harmless from any claim or demand made by any third party due to or arising from your use of the Website.

KidStart Limited reserves the right in its absolute discretion at any time to edit, delete or move any material submitted by you and / or to withdraw membership of KidStart or KidStart Forums. If you submit inappropriate, illegal or offensive material or engage in any disruptive activity and KidStart considers such behaviour to be serious, KidStart may use whatever information is available to it about you to prevent any further such infringements.