The Importance Of Parenting Blogs

After two years of writing about everything from megablocks to mega ridiculous legislation for families and children, this is sadly my last official post for LivingWithKids.


Aside from thanking you for listening to my rants about the joys and trials of modern motherhood, I just want to say a quick word about the importance of parenting blogs and why we all need to read them.

Original Living With Kids Website

The papers (well The Daily Mail) may go on about how mum sites and mum blogs are a cesspit of mean grown up girls but the reality is thank god for these blogs. Without them how would half of us know about what’s happening in the world or what to do if our kids refuse to eat normal food and sit on the toilet. Right from the beginning of motherhood I have found a wealth of funny, smart blogs from other parents that spoke to me as a best friend would. Blogs that helped me wean my kids, and blogs that helped me to realise that sometimes having it all, means doing it all (see pic above)! So if you’re wary of parenting sites and blogs, don’t be. They truly are there to help you get through your every day life whether you’re  in need of a laugh, a helping hand or looking for some vital money saving information. As a result I will still be posting now and again for the new and improved KidsStart blog (which launches 1st July) but in the meantime let me introduce you to the new editor  – Sara Bran.

Sarah Bran

All you need to know about Sara, aside from the fact she is a writer, blogger, social media consultant, is that she is mum to two daughters aged 7 and 16. Which means if you’re looking for a humourous all round view of motherhood from year one through to teenagedom (and beyond), Sara is your woman. She will be blogging about family life, ageing, popular culture and anything else that takes her fancy. If you want her view on a particular subject then let her know as she’ll be more than happy to post away for you. In the meantime if you want a taste of Sara’s writing before the new and improved blog goes live follow her on Twitter @SaraBran or read her award winning blog Notes From The Edge Of Motherhood. And don’t forget to follow Living With Kids on Twitter @Livingwithkids – as this is where you’ll find our latest up-to-date tweets about everything from the new Kardashian baby to why breastfeeding is on the wane. See you there.

KidStart & LivingWithKids would like to thank Anita for all her support and contributions over the years