Things to consider when you’re trying for a baby

Did you know that around 1 in 7 couples struggle to conceive? It isn’t uncommon for the first few months to be difficult, and most people won’t see a positive pregnancy test on their first try. But when you’ve decided you’d like a baby, it can be hard to wait! That’s why we’ve put together some things to consider for when you want to conceive. We’re not pregnancy or medical experts, and these aren’t fool proof, but with other couples seeing positive results from these methods, we thought they were worth sharing. Let’s get into it!

Keep an eye on your body temperature

Your body temperature can tell you a lot about the best time to conceive. Your basal body temperature rises slightly when you’re about to ovulate and during ovulation, letting you know that it’s time to try. Usually, this will happen about two weeks before your period, but because every woman’s cycle is different, it’s best to track your temperature every day for an accurate measure. 

There are some great resources and apps out there to help guide you on when and how to record your temperature including Natural Cycles and Clear Blue.

Home ovulation kits

Another way to spot ovulation is with at-home testing kits. These test your urine for the luteinizing hormone, which increases every month to aid the release of your egg. As soon as you see a positive test result, you’ll know it’s a good time to try. If you want to really nail down your ovulation, consider doing both the test kits and measuring your temperature.

Keep up your exercise routine

There’s no doubt that a healthy lifestyle increases your chances of getting pregnant. That’s not to say that couples who can’t conceive are unhealthy – far from it – but it could help your odds. It’s been well-documented that moderate exercise can help with getting pregnant, so taking a brisk walk every day may help. That being said, overdoing your exercise (vigorous activity for over an hour every day) can also negatively affect your fertility, so it’s a fine balance. If you’re unsure of what’s too little or too much, we’d suggest speaking with a medical professional for more information.

Does your diet affect your fertility?

There’s evidence that diet can affect fertility in both men and women. If you eat plenty of whole grains, vegetables, unsaturated fats, and fish, you could see an improvement in your chances of conceiving. Current research also shows that diets high in sugar, saturated fats, caffeine, and dairy products may not be so good for couples trying to get pregnant.

It’s good to remember, though, that everyone is different, and a diet that works for someone else might not work for you. Again, we’d recommend speaking to a medical professional if you’re thinking of changing your diet to improve fertility.

Give a fertility clinic a try

Fertility clinics aren’t just for people who are struggling to conceive but for everyone who wants to get pregnant. Even if you haven’t started trying, a chat with a fertility expert could be super helpful and speed up the process. TFP, a network of fertility clinics in the UK, describe themselves as a “Leading source of expertise in many aspects of reproductive health”, and they welcome anybody looking to get pregnant to speak to their team. If you think it would help your peace of mind or you’re struggling to conceive, it could be worth getting in touch to see how they could help.

Make sure you’re financially ready

Anxiety and stress can both affect how quickly you can conceive. So, it’s smart to get yourself in a good position before you begin trying to have a baby. In particular, consider your finances, which are often the most stressful part of welcoming a little one into the world.

Have a serious discussion with your partner about whether you can afford to have a child, and create a clear budget that outlines how your child will fit into your current financial situation. It may not be the most fun you’ll have when trying to conceive, but it’s certainly important! By resolving any financial stress before you start, you’ll be in a much better mental position and can enjoy the process without worry. 

Final words

Getting pregnant can be a bit of a scary time, but remember that there are so many support networks you can turn to for help. With the right support, this incredible journey will be a whole lot smoother.