A few weeks ago I gave you a sneaky peek of Tron Legacy – and now we’ve been to see the finished movie. Here’s our verdict…
It starts slowly, but once it gets going Tron Legacy is completely riveting. The special effects are unlike anything you’ve ever seen before and the Daft Punk soundtrack is absolutely brilliant.
The plot follows the fortunes of Sam Flynn (gorgeous Garrett Hedlund), who finds himself trapped in the digital world created by his long lost father (played by the astoundingly brilliant Jeff Bridges).

This is a world where everything centres around ‘The Games’ – which are a bit like Gladiators only there are no giant cotton buds in sight and it’s much, much more dangerous. For anyone who has ever wondered what it would actually be like to be inside a video game, this is probably pretty close – and it’s definitely not a happy place. The Games take place on ‘The Grid’ and the chances of survival are very slim indeed.

If you remember the first Tron (*ahem*) this is really nothing like it – it reminded me more of Bladerunner in places. Some of it is quite menacing and for that reason I’d probably recommend it for age 10 and up.
written by Liz Jarvis