Win £1000 For Your Best Money Saving Kid Tip

We always love a good partnership that favours families at Living With Kids, so we’re happy to hear that the price comparison site MoneySupermarket and KidStart have teamed up to help teach children about the art of saving money.
In this current economic climate it’s good to know someone is finally thinking about helping kids think about spending and saving. As Clare Francis, head of content at MoneySupermarket said: “Today’s children are growing up at a time when many families are really struggling financially because of the rising cost of living. Youngsters in particular will face some difficult financial decisions as they grow up, so getting a basic grasp of money and how to manage it from an early age will stand them in good stead when they’re older.”
As a result MoneySupermarket is asking parents to give their tips on how we should educate the ‘SuperKid Savers’. All you have to do is write a blog post sharing your tips on how to educate children on the importance of saving and submit to MoneySupermarket by 12pm on Friday 16th November 2012. Once you’ve written your post send an email with the link to your entry at [email protected] and let the world know what you’re doing by tweeting about #superkidsavers
A panel of expert judges will then select the best tips and they will be given the chance to win £1000. This will be put aside for their child and placed in a savings account of their choice.
Julian Robson, CEO of KidStart, said: “Saving for the future is at the heart of KidStart and we’re pleased to be able to support MoneySupermarket in their campaign to encourage the next generation to save. We look forward to sharing the best tips with our members.”
So how do we encourage kids to be super savvy with money, well I think for starters it’s by setting a good example. Then secondly, like everything it’s about talking to kids about money, and saving in every day life situations.
In our house if my 6 year old really, really, really wants something we do a savings match. Which means, she has to save half the money and then I match her contribution. This not only encourages her to think about whether she ‘really, really’ wants the said item or not, but also helps her to see the value of money.
But what are your best saving money tips – let us and MoneySupermarket know. Don’t forget the deadline for entries to win £1000 is 12pm on Friday 16th November 2012.