Here is the first of our expert Q&As – don't forget, you can see the full panel of experts here – and if you have a question, simply email [email protected]. And if you have anything you'd like to add to the advice, simply leave it in the comment box below.
Q: When is the best time to exercise so that I can fit it in around looking after my two small children?
Nicki Waterman says: There's no 'right' time to exercise but you need to schedule realistic workout times, based on your lifestyle. If you're an early bird, why not set your alarm clock a bit earlier so you can get up and work out before the kids are up? It'll leave you feeling more energised for the rest of the day. Or some mums find that an evening workout can help them unwind after a busy day.
If you have a baby jogger you can work out when you're taking the kids for a walk, or invest in some workout dvds so you can workout in the living room (and keep an eye on them at the same time). And don't think of exercise as something you have to do – find an activity you enjoy and will want to do on a continual basis. Best of luck!
Q: I'm four months pregnant. I understand the swine flu vaccine is going to be offered to pregnant women from October. But is it safe?
Dr Clare Heggie says: I know it's a worrying time for pregnant women at the moment, with so much conflicting advice about swine flu and pregnancy around. You are right that the vaccine is going to be offered to all pregnant women once it is available (in the same way the seasonal flu vaccine is offered now). This decision is based on the fact that pregnant women are four more times likely to be hospitalised with swine flu. Although the majority of pregnant women who get swine flu have an uncomplicated recovery, they are more susceptible to developing complications, for example pneumonia.
The vaccine is currently undergoing clinical trials, and if it is offered to pregnant women it will be on the basis that it thought to be safe for women and their unborn children, and that the risks of not having the vaccine far outweigh the risks of having it. Ultimately, however, it will be entirely your decision whether or not to have the vaccine.
written by Liz Jarvis