Back to school checklist that you should have already ticked off!
Hundreds of thousands of kids across the UK are preparing to go back to school for the new term.
Most will start on Thursday, September 1, but others will begin next Monday as schools carry out inset days.
For kids starting their reception year, it will be their first experience of formal education. For many others it will be a daunting experience of going to new education institutions for Year Seven or Sixth Form.
This can be nerve racking for parents as much as children. However, preparing well will provide you with confidence, therefore a quick guide and checklist is a must to make sure you are prepared for the big day.
When does school start?
First term officially starts on September 1, but some
schools will have inset days for Thursday and Friday, and start off properly on Monday.
Make sure you check with your
school before going in.
The first term finishes on October 21, with term two starting on October 31.
Getting everything sorted for school can be expensive business and there will be things you haven’t yet bought. Don’t panic! is always here provide you with
back to school essentials.
Here’s a quick checklist:
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