
Tips on Getting Your Children to Go To Bed

Sleep, sleep, how I long for thee. Our seven year old crawled into bed with us at 4am last night because the family cat decided to use her head as a pillow. As a result, here I am typing this with my eyeballs raw and my brain frazzled. How can I be expected to sensible construct sentence be able?...

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Should the Government Intervene in Early Education?

In a letter to the Telegraph signed by Wendy Ellyatt, CEO and Founding...

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Is your child ready for music lessons?

There has been much written on the benefits of music lessons for children. One of the most obvious benefits is that music helps develop creativity. ...

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What to Expect When Your Child Starts Secondary School

Many parents are sending their pre-teens off to ‘big school’ this week with that heady mixture of excitement and anxiety as one era ends and another begins....

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Successful transition tips to secondary school

At this time of year, I work with many parents and children aboard...

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How to Teach Your Child to Stop Hitting Others

Aggressive behaviors like hitting, biting, scratching or shoving are often difficult for parents...

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Bunny-Wunny’s Holiday : Have you ever lost your child’s favo

I remember it like it was yesterday. We had just flown back from somewhere and were at the baggage carousel waiting for our luggage. ...

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The superhero inside all of us

During the summer holidays, my two eldest girls are going to ’Kids Club’ three days a week so that I can continue to work. Each week there is a different theme, and this week it’s ‘Comic Books’....

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The Heat is On: Are You Keeping Your Cool?

Summer appears to be happening in the UK. I know. It's shocking!...

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The Parent’s Race

I remember the burning sensation in my lungs, I remember my class mates cheering me on. I remember my Green Flash trainers scuffing the orange dirt of the running track, ah yes, I remember school Sports Day like it was yesterday. I also remember the day I left school thinking, “Great, I will never have to humiliate myself on a running track ever again.”...

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