6.5% back for your kids from LivingSocial
LivingSocial - UK

LivingSocial - UK

  • 6.50% back for your kids on healthcare, wedding, children & baby, tradesmen, restaurants & bars, home, motoring purchases

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LivingSocial - UK

The best local businesses, vacations, products, services, and more

LivingSocial is the local marketplace to buy and share the best things to do in your city and beyond.

With unique and diverse offerings each day, we inspire members to discover everything from weekend excursions to one-of-a kind events and experiences to exclusive gourmet dinners to seasonal family outings and more.

Please note

  • All purchases must be completed wholly online after clicking on the link above.
  • KidStart Savings may not be paid on VAT or delivery.
  • KidStart Savings may not be paid if you use a discount code at the checkout other than those provided by KidStart.
  • Some purchases may not be eligible for KidStart Savings such as gift cards and vouchers.