2% back for your kids from Collectif


  • 2% back for your kids on all purchases Shop now


At Collectif we proudly design and produce all our own clothing, which is now separated in to two lines: Collectif Vintage, inspired by the classic styles of 1940’s and 50’s and Collectif Mainline, maintaining our roots in pin-up and alternative culture. Versatility and originality pervade Collectif’s design philosophy; we combine new fashion trends with classic vintage styles, along with a good a splash of rock and roll!

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  • All purchases must be completed wholly online after clicking on the link above.
  • KidStart Savings may not be paid on VAT or delivery.
  • KidStart Savings may not be paid if you use a discount code at the checkout other than those provided by KidStart.
  • Some purchases may not be eligible for KidStart Savings such as gift cards and vouchers.