Matalan Savings, Offers & Voucher Codes from KidStart


  • 1.30% back for your kids on all purchases

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Your destination for modern family living, made easy.

From the day Matalan started back in 1985, to today over 30 years on, our mission has always stayed the same; to provide outstanding value for modern families.

We take our time to listen, understand and evolve to fit changing modern family needs, always with an emphasis on providing the highest quality clothing and homeware for the lowest price. 12 million UK families each year trust us with their precious family budgets and to provide the range, style, quality and value that enable them to run a modern, happy, family home. It's no surprise then that we were recently awarded a prestigious Gold Award at the Mumsnet Family Friendly awards for the third year running.

Please note

  • All purchases must be completed wholly online after clicking on the link above.
  • KidStart Savings may not be paid on VAT or delivery.
  • KidStart Savings may not be paid if you use a discount code at the checkout other than those provided by KidStart.
  • KidStart Savings are not available on Matalan Alder Hey children's and adults products. 100% of profits from the #TogetherForAlderHey campaign will go to Alder Hey Children’s Charity.
  • Some purchases may not be eligible for KidStart Savings such as gift cards and vouchers.