Up to 5% back for your kids from Seraphine - higher rate ending soon


  • 5% back for your kids on orders of £180+ - usually 3%, ends soon

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  • 4.50% back on orders from £125-£179.99 - usually 2%, ends soon

  • 2.50% back on orders up to £124.99 and all purchases using a voucher code - usually 0.6%, ends soon



Pregnancy brings all kinds of surprises, there are decisions to make, piles of information to absorb and changing bodies to contend with. At Seraphine, we help women through it all, because every woman deserves to feel fantastic during her pregnancy.


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  • All purchases must be completed wholly online after clicking on the link above.
  • KidStart Savings may not be paid on VAT or delivery.
  • KidStart Savings may not be paid if you use a discount code at the checkout other than those provided by KidStart.
  • Some purchases may not be eligible for KidStart Savings such as gift cards and vouchers.